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Value Lighting Center

Aladdin Light Lift 

Automatically Lowers Your Chandelier for Easy Cleaning & Bulb Changing

The Aladdin Light Lift is a motorized lift system for your chandelier. Now, the beauty of your chandelier can be easily maintained as cleaning and changing of bulbs can be done by anyone...anytime. Dangerous ladders and expensive cleaning services are things of the past as chandeliers are quickly and safely lowered within easy reach from the floor. It is the simple solution for every hard to reach chandelier.

Just Turn The Key

The Aladdin Light Lift comes with a special key switch which can be conveniently installed in any new or existing wall. The key switch is child resistant and prevents accidental activation of the light lift. The chandelier lowers by simply inserting the key and turning the switch. Releasing the key stops the chandelier at the height you choose. It's that easy.

A programmable keyswitch automatically raises and lowers the Aladdin Light Lift without holding the key. It can be programmed to automatically stop at any desired height above the floor. Standard on 700 lb. model and optional on others.

Maintain the Beauty and Luster of your Chandelier For Years to Come

The Aladdin Light lift is designed for years of trouble-free operation. The patented system has been rigorously tested and uses the latest technology for electrical components and gearing mechanisms. Even heavy chandeliers are no problem for Aladdin Light Lift. Yet with all this convenience and reliability, the Aladdin Light Lift is a surprisingly affordable companion for your chandelier.

Easy to Install

The Aladdin Light Lift is neatly tucked away in the area above the ceiling, so there's no visible indication of the system. Installation by a licensed electrician is simple, since the system uses existing wiring. And, once in place, the chandelier can be installed at floor level safely and economically, eliminating the need for scaffolding.

No Access? Aladdin has the solution!

Aladdin's special order units with a unique system of cables, brackets, and pulleys allow for vaulted ceilings or mounting where no direct access is available above the chandelier.

Safety Benefits

The unit is equipped with two separate independent locking systems to securely hold the light fixture. For maximum safety, electrical current to the chandelier is automatically disconnected while the chandelier is lowered. There's no risk of electrical shock while cleaning or changing bulbs.





ALL 200

200 Lbs.

1560 watts*

ALL 300 300 Lbs. 1560 watts*
ALL 700 700 Lbs. 2200 watts*


2200 watt - 1 circuit maximum

3300 watt - 2 circuit maximum

4400 watt - 2 circuit maximum


1 or 2 circuits


Available when light wired separately from motor


Full limited 1 year warranty on components


Adapter Available


Yes - Relights chandelier at floor level


1200 Lb. maximum


35' Standard
65'-90' or 120' Optional


Made in USA

please send proposals, quotes or questions to:


Please include brand, model number, voltage, wattage, color and quantity desired where applicable.


Light Fixtures * Recessed Lighting * Track Lighting * Indoor Lighting * Outdoor Lighting

Lamps & Bulbs * Accessories * Ballasts * Batteries

Residential  &  Commercial